Interested in collaboration?
If your school is interested in exploring the possibility of collaborating on supporting flourishing in schools with our research team from Research Schools International (RSI) and Harvard, please fill in our 1-minute promoting flourishing in schools expression of interest form.
Programs we offer for schools
Our research team from RSI and Harvard offers the following programs to support character skills and flourishing among children, adolescents, educators, and parents of schools around the world. We are happy to tailor these programs to fit the needs and interests of your school. All programs are available in English, Spanish, and French.
Promoting Flourishing in Schools Research and Professional Development Program
We are offering a two-year project to promote student flourishing in schools around the world. In the first academic year, our research team conducts an in-depth study to understand flourishing among your students and explore the implementation of practices that research has shown can support flourishing at your school. The following academic year, we lead in-person and hybrid professional development to support educators at your school to develop and implement evidence-based initiatives to promote flourishing at your school that target areas for growth identified by our research. For more details, read the program overview here: Promoting Flourishing in Schools Program / Programa para Promover el Florecimiento en las Escuelas / Programme de promotion d'épanouissement dans les écoles.
If you’re interested in learning more, please fill in our 1-minute promoting flourishing in schools expression of interest form.
Youth for Youth Flourishing Program
We are offering a one-year hybrid program for students to create and implement evidence-based initiatives to promote flourishing among children and adolescents at their schools and around the world. For more details, read the program overview here: Youth for Youth Flourishing Program / Programa de Jóvenes para el Florecimiento Juvenil / Programme d'épanouissement des jeunes par les jeunes.
If you’re interested in learning more, please fill in our 1-minute promoting flourishing in schools expression of interest form.
Evidence-Based Parenting for Flourishing Families Workshop
In collaboration with the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard’s Evidence-Based Parenting for Flourishing Families initiative, we are offering a workshop that schools can provide to families on evidence-based parenting strategies to nurture flourishing. For more details, read an overview of this workshop here: Evidence-Based Parenting for Flourishing Families / Taller de Crianza Basada en Evidencia para Familias Florecientes / Atelier de stratégies parentales pour une famille épanouie fondée dans la recherche.
If you’re interested in learning more, please fill in our 1-minute evidence-based parenting expression of interest form.
Impact study
Our research team from RSI and Harvard will conduct a longitudinal research study to assess the impact of your program on participants’ flourishing and other outcomes of interest to you. Following this, in an in-person workshop, we will present our findings, highlighting the impact that the program has on flourishing and other key outcomes as well as providing insights into the mechanisms underlying that impact. In this workshop, we will also collaborate with you and your colleagues to consider updates to the program that, based on the results, have the potential to further support flourishing and other key outcomes.
If you’re interested in learning more, please fill in our 1-minute promoting flourishing in schools expression of interest form.